
I am a Full Stack Developer

Raphael Goumou

I graduated from a Technical and Scientific Institute and subsequently attended Musa Formazione, Full Stack Developer address. It is a two-year course with a high technological content, which has allowed me to specialize more in the field of IT and new technologies. I chose this job after a period of indecision, where I wasn't sure what to do with my professional path. The Musa Formazione path helped me in my research, which thanks to its subjects helped me rediscover some passions that I had left in the drawer and allowed me to understand how much I liked IT and how good I was at programming.

  • Nome: Raphael Goumou
  • Professione: Full Stack Developer
  • Telefono: +39 3899 392 866
  • Età: 26

IT has a fundamental role both for the present we live in today and for improving the future of tomorrow's society, where people will be increasingly connected and technology will increasingly allow us to achieve things that we don't even consider possible today. I believe that in this field we need people who understand the needs of what needs to be done, so that they are able to control the future towards which we will move.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • WordPress


Website Development

Building functional and dynamic websites tailored to your needs.

Website Design

Crafting user-friendly and visually appealing designs for your site.

Website Deployment

Deploying your site seamlessly to make it live and functional.


Optimizing your website to rank higher on search engines.


Automating and streamlining your development and operations processes.


Ensuring quality and functionality through rigorous testing.


Website Development

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites. This field involves writing code, graphic design, database management, and search engine optimizationd!

Website Design

Il Web Designer è una figura professionale che progetta e sviluppa siti web, portali e web applications, curandone l'aspetto grafico, la semplicità di navigazione e la compatibilità con i vari dispositivi con l'obiettivo di ottimizzare la User Experience, ovvero l'esperienza dell'utente all'interno del sito.

Website Deployment

In the IT field, deployment is represented by the release of a software system or application to the customer, generally in the context of a corporate IT system, with its installation and commissioning.!
